26. スイス Switzerland Page 3



自転車用信号機 Traffic Lights for Bicycles

arrow_red  green_arrow

撮影者:ほのりあ(管理人) 撮影場所:ベルン 撮影日:2012年8月
Photographed by Honoria (webmaster) Bern, August 2012
fotografiert von Honoria (Webmaster) Bern, August 2012



Like pedestrian lights traffic lights for bicycles had three lights: red, amber and green.
Those for bicycles and pedestrians had three lights too.
Do Swiss people like following rules and want everything apparent to eyes? They may think 'blinking blue' is ambiguous and does not fit to their rigid rules.

Where there are more than one route, they had lights for each way.
Swiss must like setting and following rules very rigidly!

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