26. スイス Switzerland Page 5



横断歩道 Crossing


撮影者:ほのりあ(管理人) 撮影場所:ベルン 撮影日:2012年8月
Photographed by Honoria (webmaster) Bern, August 2012
fotografiert von Honoria (Webmaster) Bern, August 2012




Swiss crossings consist of yellow stripes.
Somehow crossings are in yellow in some countries and in white in others.
Is there any difference between yellow crossings and white ones?

In Switzerland most cars stopped when people were at a crossing without a light.
Probably they have to follow the rule all the time (especially German-speaking areas!).
People there started crossing a road even when cars were coming towards them.
Probably I should have done so there... one car stopped and honked at me when I was waiting for cars passing by at a crossing!

In some European countries (as far as I know, in UK and Greece) people cross a road with red light when it is safe, but NOT in Switzerland.
My British friend told me that she was scolded by her Swiss friend when she tried to cross the street with a red light in Switzerland.
Probably the stereotype 'German like to follow rules' is true to Swiss people too!

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