5. 日本 Japan Page 2

 Page 1: 車用信号機 lights for cars

 Page 2: 路面電車用信号(広島) lights for trams (Hiroshima)  路面電車用信号(東京) lights for trams (Tokyo)

 Page 3: 予告信号灯 Advance traffic lights  文字付き信号機 lights with words

路面電車用信号(広島) traffic lights for trams in Hisorhima


撮影者:YKK 撮影場所:広島県 撮影日:2005年3月
Photographs by YKK, in Hiroshima, March 2005




YKK, who travelled Hiroshima (not a resident there), took these photos.
He said to me what he had observed: 'The traffic light in the left (first) picture had three lights, one is for X and another for ↑.
I couldn't see the last one flashing so I don't know about it.
The one in the right (second) picture had only two lights, X and ↑.
There were also some lights with only one light (X).'

By the way, in Japan 'go straight' is represented by upward arrow (↑) but I heard in Spain they use downward arrow (↓).
I think I would understand the meaning there, but it looks like going back to me.

路面電車用信号(東京) traffic lights for trams in Tokyo


撮影者:ほのりあ(管理人) 撮影場所:王子駅(東京都北区) 撮影日:2005年4月
Photographs by Honoria (headmaster), at Oji Station (in Kita-ku, Tokyo) April 2005


These lights are used for trams in Tokyo.
I also took photos of trams and a tram station.
It looks weird to me to have a tram station in the middle of a street.
The traffic lights in Hiroshima had upward arrows (↑) but the one in Tokyo has leftward arrow (←).
Are trams supposed to turn left there?

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