21. 台湾 Taiwan

Page 1: 車用信号機 lights for cars  歩行者用信号機 lights for pedestrians

Page 2: カウントダウン式歩行者用信号機 pedestrian lights with count-down numbers

車用信号機 traffic lights for cars


撮影者:YHM 撮影場所:台北 撮影日:2006年3月
Photographs by YMH, in Taipei, March 2006


In Taiwan they use horizontal traffic lights, which is minority 'in the world' (I mean, in my website).
I think there are only two other countries using horizontal ones, Korea and Japan.
My friend YHM said to me,
'it seemed they can put any number of lights in one row in Taiwan.
I saw as many as five lights in one row!'
When I saw these pictures, I couldn't help worrying that they may bend at the heaviness of snow piled up on the lights, if they have snow in Taiwan.

The pic in the right shows that Taiwanese use European style crossroads (horizontal line).

歩行者用信号機 traffic lights for pedestrians


撮影者:YHM 撮影場所:台北 撮影日:2006年3月
Photographs by YHM, in Taipei, March 2006



My friend YHM, who took these photos said to me,
'Lights for pedestrians were similar to ones in other Southeast Asian countries.
The lights have count-down numbers which were decided by the crowdedness and the width of the road and human symbols.
The symbols are a mere red man standing upright and a mere walking green man...
The walking green man starts blinking and running when the count number gets close to zero. I think so.'

The light in the left (first) picture seems to have two lights, red and green.
Red and green? Does the light say 'go' and 'stop' at the same time?
Or, does the red light represent something else? (say, count-down number)
And why does the light in the right picture has three lights?


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